Sunday 14 December 2014

Christmas Winter Wonderland

A fantastic day out as a family in a winter wonderland just out side Wetherby. Great value for money at Stockeld Park. The whole family enjoyed skating ,on a real ice-rink, Nordic skiing, enchanted forest Christmas lit walk, maze and a visit to Father Christmas for all of us who had been good this year. It was a cold frosty day so it felt even more right. Well done to Eren for coming up with this great family day out.Elizabeth and Maisy couldn't get enough of the ice-rink. They had a lovely Christmas shop where we picked up a couple of new decorations for the tree and we enjoyed hot chocolate with the works (flake, cream and marshmallows). I had a hot black tea. I love my family.xxxxx

Monday 25 August 2014


Ok it's been a while seen we last put a post on the Blog. We've continued to enjoy life up north and this summer we had the chance to explore Northumberland staying at Berwick-Upon-Tweed. The weather was really good and we all had a great time.

Then we had a week showing the girls the sights of London. The London Eye went down really well as did all the other top sights that London has to offer. We took in the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and the British Museum. The top attraction for Maisy was the London Underground and a bit like her big sister Eren  ,before her, she could have spent all her time enjoying travelling that. 

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Olympic Torch

What an incredible day. The Olympic Torch travelled past our house and the torch bearers changed right outside our house. Denise, the girls and some friends from church had the most fantastic view. They even had thier picture taken with the torch bearer.
They all sat on the front lawn waiting for it to arrive drinking tea and eating corissants.
I watched it and them live at school in the hall with Olympic torch live.
A moment of history we will all never forget.

Monday 2 January 2012

Christmas 2011

Hello and Happy New Year to everyone.
We had a great Christmas and the New Year has started well. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
The girls took part in the Nativity at church and I helped with the readings along with the Vicar Jason itwas full of the ARRRRE factor.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Quick Autumn Catch Up

Well the autumn seems to have just flown by and now we are at Christmas again-where do the years and time go?
Maisy has settled in really well to school and is really enjoying being in Mrs Proctors class. Check out her sports day video clips-how sweet is my girl?
Elizabeth has now got so good on her cornet that she has been able to join Mr Joys Ensemble group and plays in assemblies every Thursday. Now we have broken up for the Christmas holidays and are busy getting ready for the big day. I will add some pictures of the festive season as soon as-we have Eren and Aaron coming over and the girls are involved in the church nativity Christmas Eve which I am helping to jointly lead with the Vicar. We are off on a lovely Post Boxing day dog walk with our church friends weather permitting, which should be lovely and I'm looking forward to.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Elizabeth and Maisy's Bedroom

Have finished painting the girls bedroom. They each wanted a favourite book character. Elizabeths is Midred Hubble and Tabby from 'The Worst Witch' series and Maisy wanted Lola and Sizzles from'Charlie and Lola'. Denise and myself are very pleased with our art work and the girls are thrilled.

Saturday 20 August 2011

York Maze

A fab day out at the York Maze. Loads to do and the girls really enjoyed it.