Wednesday 27 February 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Maisy

Maisy celebrated her first birthday on the 19th February.
I can't believe how quickly the year has gone. Thank you to everybody who sent presents. She loved her musical alphabet from Nanny and her musical teddy from Granny as well as all the others she received. She also took her first tottering steps today unaided which she thought was great.

Woken up last night with the whole house shaking as Britain had an Earthquake 5.2 on the scale. We had the bed, cot and walls shaking and sliding and couldn't quite believe what was happening . All was confirmed with the breakfast news. Had to then spend a bit of time striaghtening the pictures on our walls. It was the strangest feeling.

Sunday 3 February 2008

A busy start to the year

Hello All
Well its has been a very busy start to our new year. We successfully moved into our new house and started a new job. We have managed to sort most of our things out now only a couple of boxes left but they contain things that need to go on shelves and we need to buy those and put them up. Everything else is beginning to look good. We have new carpet throughout now only two bedrooms left to do and we've started to hang the new net curtains. We bought and built a new toy box for the girls room this Saturday to put the rest of their toys in.
I have been out in the garden and started to sort this out. Cutting bushes back and generally tidying up. This week-end we went out to by some hedgeing as an old fence which is rotten we are going to replace with a hedge-row. So I've bought 55 privet bushes to plant out when the weather improves and I've managed to clear away the old fence and ivy. I've been digging over the flower beds as well ready for the better weather so we can plant them out. Its great we have a blank canvas to work with.
At work I have settled in well and I'm really getting on well with the other members of staff. We have survived a big county inspection this week and the school has done very well. Elizabeth has also settled in well to her new school and has made some good new friends- Holly being her best friend.
Maisy is busy teething so is unsettled at the moment -six altogether at the moment and it looks like to more on the bottom are on there way.
Denise helped out an old lady called Hilda in Selby who stummbled and fell flat on her face on the cobbles. She helped her up and took her for a cup of tea and made sure she got home safely. Others just walked by;what sort of world are we living in now. She has also held a little coffee afternoon with a couple of her new friends and babies at our place.
Looking forward now to coming down to see everybody at half term.
When we get back up north again we are hoping to go to the local cat rescue centre to take on another cat. We would like another male, ginger if possible and it will be called Oswald- Elizabeth has decided.(name from Denise-He was a King of Northumbria)
Please post you messages as we love to hear from you.