Sunday 31 August 2008

Watch out there's a croc about!!

When the Robinsons go to the beach they don't settle for just sandcastles their artistic talent comes to the for and they build on a big scale. We are very proud of our crocodile -about 6 feet in length. A good family effort.

Good to know that a year at sixth form college isn't wasted on Eren as she can now create hola-hoop pyramid towers. Wonderful thing the education system!!!!

Monday 25 August 2008

Steam Power

Well I'm all on my lonesome Bank Holiday Monday waiting for the work we are having done on the the house to continue, the rest of the family are settled down south for the week.The work on the conservatory is going really well and I can't wait to sit and enjoy it now when its all finished.
Last weekend we had a great day out on the North Yorkshire Moors Steam Railway traveling from Pickering to Grosmont . It was lovely to see the steam engines and the journey was wonderful. Elizabeth and Maisy really enjoyed themselves, especially when the train went through a very dark tunnel. At Grosmont we decided to walk up the hill to enjoy the spectacular view from the top-not quite ready for the 1 in 3 climb but we all made it and it was worth it at the top. Back in the village we walked through ,what is believed to be ,the worlds first tunnel built for trains by George Stephenson 1833-5.

On a previous day out we enjoyed ourselves at Whitby again and produced a work of art on the beach in the form of a crocodile-will add picture when I can crow-bar it off Eren's phone. Elizabeth and Maisy enjoyed bouncing on the trampolines although Elizabeth felt Maisy was some-what cramping her creative style. They then enjoyed themselves in the large paddling pool. One of our few hot days this summer and thoroughly enjoyable.

It was lovely to have a visit by Sadie and Dave. Got the chance to show them the house and what we've done in the last 8 months. The weather wasn't totally on our side but the girls all enjoyed a day at Designer Outlet and on one of our less sunny days we explored York Museum. Did you all know it was a ROBINSON who apprehended Dick Turpin??!! Anyway It was a lovely visit and we hope to see them up her again really soon.