Sunday 2 November 2008


Its been a little while since I added to the blogg and, YES - believe it or not, I've had requests for it to be added to, so here we go with the latest instalment.
We have been busy enjoying our new conservatory which is now finished, complete with seating ,bookshelves and lighting. We just need to add the radiator now the weather has turned cold,but when the sun is out its a pleasure to sit out their and look at the garden and watch the birds. Its nice to have another room to relax in.
Elizabeth continues to enjoy her school and is really taking off with her reading and writing. We had a very good report at parents evening which was lovely. Maisy has has also joined a new toddler group in Osgodby which she is really enjoying and has been busy bring home her latest works of art. Both the girls have had school photographs done which we are now looking forward to getting and no doubt they will find there way onto the blogg soon when I've got time to scan them in.
Eren is enjoying her new course at York college and doing so well they have condensed what should have been a two year course to a one year course for her. She has her placement at a local nursery in Selby just by the Abbey and is due to start there full time as part of her course placement in February which should lead to a permanent job when she completes her course. She is even now thinking about going onto University to continue her studies and become a Pre-School teacher.
Denise has been given powers of grandeur and that is a worry to us all-she was recently invited by my Headteacher to be a Parent Governor on the Governing body so she is now all set to carry out class inspections at a moments notice and tell all of us teachers that we could be doing better to raise standards. Only joking!!! she's really looking forward to the job and her first meeting -she's got to know Rob (Head) while doing knitting club and has also met the vice chair so she'll know a few people at her first meeting.
We have recently been enjoying the school half term with a trip to Barnby Hall in Pocklington which is a small park with a small pond/lake with the biggest Kio carp I have ever seen. The girls enjoyed feeding them and Elizabeth was even stroking one of the biggest on the top of its head. Maisy loved the ducks and was screaming at the top of her voice DUCKS every time she spotted them.
We also went to Too Hoots children's farm to see the animals and got chased by turkeys on the run from the pens.
We finished the week yesterday evening with a fantastic free fireworks display put on by Selby Council for the local people at the park. A huge bonfire and great display which we all enjoyed. We are now hoping to have a few sparklers of our own and a bonfire in the back garden on the 5th weather permitting.
well that I think brings the blogg up to date -I hope everybody is fit and well and having as much fun as us-but it is back to work on Monday!!!!!!