Saturday 29 August 2009


Just got back from a fantastic first holiday abroad. First time flying as well. Very hot weather through the whole week with the temperatures at 36-37oC. We had three great excursions out and about across the Island and then spent the rest of the time seeing around the local area or relaxing by the hotel pool.

We got the chance to go up Mt Teide-Terrifies active volcano and see the lava fields and all the different rock formations. The tour guide said it erupts every hundred years on average and last went up in1908. It was amazing to think that we were standing in the volcanoes crater and that above our heads around the cone were three new active volcanoes. Wonderful views as we were at 8000ft , 12000ft at the summit.The roads were a little bit scary with shear drops and very twisty tight turns. Its was like being on a different world and the location for some filming of the films Planet of the Apes and One million BC with Rachel Welsh and that famous bikini.

Another trip out was Europe's biggest water park -Sian Park. Loads of great rides and a huge wave machine and beach which was our favourite part. The waves take you clean off your feet and throw you down the beach. Locals said when it was first turned on it washed right over the motor way and both had to be closed until it was sorted out. Elizabeth enjoyed Lazy River and the rapid ride while Maisy enjoyed washing her feet over and over again in the shower foot wash at the beach.

The final trip out was to Loro Parque-The Islands world famous animal sanctuary. We got the chance to see all the shows which were really exceptional. The dolphins were a real treat to watch perform as were the Orcas which were a gift from Florida the only other place they can be seen to perform. I've always been against the captivity of these animals but they did truly seem to enjoy what they were doing and clearly loved their handlers. Elizabeth enjoyed the parrot show and we all had a good laugh at the sea lions. There were loads of other animals to see and its famous for its parrot breading program. We also got to see the worlds largest penguinarium which was beautifully cold on a very hot day. It actually snows in there and has the largest ice-burg out side Antarctica.

We had a lovely large room at the hotel and the food was very good with hot buffets served every morning and evening.

Elizaeth,Maisy and Eren all enjoyed the pool and by the end of the week Elizabeth was virtually swimming. we have all come back with great sun tans and have had a holiday to remember.

Friday 17 July 2009

18 TODAY!!!!

Eren finally reached the big 18 and adulthood today. Denise created another work of art in the form of a cake in the shape of a fairy castle.We had a nice family buffet tea and then Eren opened her presents but didn't want to cut her cake. Due to go out tomorrow for lunch at a lovely pub called The Owl.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

The Next Olympian I think!!!

Well they better look out at the 2016 Olympics because I think I've found the next GOLD medal winner. Elizabeth had her sports day last week , she had four races and came first in each. She flew down the track leaving the rest in her wake. She told herself at the start of each race she would win ,she tells us, and she did.

Saturday 30 May 2009

Giant African Land Snails

Some little pictures of Elizabeth and Maisy with their latest pet a baby Giant African Land Snail it will eventually grow to the size of a mans fist. Lovely!! His Name is Jamie.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Elizabeth and Maisy made beautiful Easter bonnets for school covered in chicks, eggs and raffia just before the end of term. Then on Easter Sunday after church they had a lovely easter egg hunt in the back garden. Both had great fun finding the eggs and have spent the last few days busy consuming them. They haven't even started on the ones given to them yet by friends and family. I feel daddy may have to help them on this difficult task.

Sunday 15 March 2009

Happy 5th Birthday

Elizabeth had a lovely 5th Birthday on Friday and a great party with some of her friends at the Wishing Well. Her favourite present has been the digital camera we bought her which also records video and on which you can play games . She has been clicking anything that moves ever since. Her birthday seems to have brought us all a taste of spring and we were able to get out in the garden, but I mustn't get carried away out there because experience shows it can often turn cold again and we are stll in March.

Sunday 1 March 2009

East Barnby

What a fantastic week I've had with year six away at East Barnby on the North Yorkshire Moors for an activity holiday. We had great fun Beck scrambling, Skiing, canoeing, and beach combing for fossils and in rockpools. I had a go at everything and it was brilliant , if a little on the cold side especially standing waste deep in the beck to catch children ,with John the instructure,as they came down the shoot and take their pictures. Skiing was also a little chilly as the wind cut across the site on the moors. But I'm looking forward to doing it all again next year if I get the chance to go. We are planning a full week next year and include rock climbing, body boarding and sailing. Can't wait.

Friday 20 February 2009

Maisy's 2nd Birthday

A lovely tea party was had by all to celebrate Maisy's 2nd birthday. She had her three little friends Holly, Erin and Charlotte to help her celebrate and they all played nicely and enjoyed themselves. Mummy made the birthday cake (hedgehog) though we nick-named it 'the road kill'. Maisy loved it and it tasted great. She loved all her presents and the fact that all her sisters were there to celebrate it with her.
Sadie and Dave seem to be enjoying there stay and are finding life in the conservatory very comfortable(our first offical visitors in our new guest room). The girls all went out on a shopping trip ,it's what they all do best. The Dave's did manly things in the garden like shifting paving slabs for a new wendy- house base and spread some horse poo!! Its all round fun at the Robinsons Who couldn't love us!!!!!

Monday 2 February 2009

It came from Russia

Great to see this much snow and we all got to enjoy it. We've heard you had it bad in the south this time and we woke up to about 5inch up here with snow continuing to fall all day and snowing heavily again tonight. I took a picture on my way to work this morning and then a few at breaktime of Elizabeth and the other children enjoying the conditions. Denise and Maisy struggled in to toddlers fitting snow plough to the front of pram.