Thursday 30 December 2010

A Great Christmas

Another Christmas flashes by and its been lovely. The children took part as angels in the church nativity service which was typically cute and wonderfully performed as only children can.
The Christmas day service was fantastic and Elizabeth read out loud and was brilliant so much so she got a round of applause.
Denise produced another wonderful christmas cake which I have been busy working my way through and its delicious. I promise I'll work it all of in the new year.
Denise's toddler group made a lovely nativity scene-very creative and on display in the church hall for all to see.
The girls got some lovely presents and particularly loved the dolls houses they got.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

And it keeps coming-SNOW!

More heavy falls of snow . We now have a foot of the lovely stuff and it is forecast for more tonight and tomorrow. The girls have been taking full advantage of the weather in their new snow suits sent by Auntie Mandy all the way from Canada. Many thanks -our need is greater than yours if it's +12 and raining out there. We also had a little visitor to the garden brought down by the snow. Can you spot him?

The snow has really built up. Day time temperatures on Fri 3rd Dec was -5.5 at mid day and we had well over 2ft of snow by the time it had finished snowing here yesterday. Very cold and our wood burning stove has been great ,we've had it going 24/7.