Sunday 23 March 2008

A White Easter

Well I've always wanted a white Christmas but I never thought it would be a white Easter that I got. We woke up this morning like a large part of the country to a 10 cm blanket of snow. Once again Elizabeth was up and out of bed ready to play in the white stuff. Before 7 am we had a snow man built and sledged down the road ,being pulled by Dad, bumping into other children also being pulled around by their Dads. It was a beautiful sight on an Easter morning. But by 8am I was ready for breakfast and a hot cup of tea!!!
It was lovely to see Auntie Carol up here this week. A lovely surprise for Denise as she didn't know she was flying up ( a closely guarded secret). They both had a lovely time and got to do what they do do best laugh, chat and shop at Designer Outlet. A lovely time had by both and they got the chance to relax, chat and catch up. We just got her back to the airport with the snow blanketing the airport on Saturday. Its certainly a cold wind up at that airport. But the chance to see both the surounding countryside and Leeds stretching out below.


Mandy said...

Well Hi Elizabeth,a White Easter and chocolate Easter eggs,it looks like you are practising to come over and show us how to biuld a snowman, we still have over six feet in our garden,if you want to come and play

Love Auntie Mandy

carol said...

Hi everyone, just a big thank you for a lovely relaxing 4 day stay with you all it was just what the doctor ordered, it was lovely to see your new home and the new addition Hartley (who is the laziest cat ever) The shopping was amazing ( I love my new coat) and so did Denise!!!!! Eren, I hope your enjoying your shower gel I left as a parting gift!!!! dont use it all at once!! Big kisses and cuddles to you all.
Love Auntie Carol.

carol said...

Hi Everyone, just wanted to thank you all for a lovely relaxing 4 day holiday it was just what i needed.It was lovely to see your lovely new home and not forgetting Hartley (who is the laziest cat ever) Eren hope your using the shower gel i left you as a farewell gift!!!! Big kisses and hugs to you all.
Love Auntie Carol.

Emma Longdon (Moakes) said...

Hi everyone!
I love your photographs of the snow. We just had drizzle and sleat!! Hope all is going well, everything here is ok, although looking forward to the holidays!!
Finally trying to move ourselves now. Found a house in Marchwood, just need to sell ours and you know what that is like!
Take care and will write long email with gossip soon! I promise!!
Love Emma