Tuesday 5 January 2010

Happy Chilly New Year 2010

Well it's been a while since I up dated the blog so I thought I should get an entry in quick in 2010, so a very Happy New Year to one and all. You didn't miss much over the Autumn. Lots of hard work and I passed my thresh-hold three at work(for all the non teachers- a little promotion and a little more money). The autumn seemed to whiz past like a flash. It was great to see Jim who came up and spent some time with us, then went back to Brighton for a rest.
We had a really good Christmas and although technically not a white one we did have snow on the ground which fell Christmas Eve-so I was very happy. Christmas morning the girls were even happier as they got everything they could imagine especially their scooters -a three wheeler for Maisy and a two wheeler for Elizabeth. Mummy and Daddy exchanged slippers and now are benefitting from their warmth. Denise cooked a wonderful Christmas lunch topped with homemade Christmas pudding.
The snow never left us and nor did the sub zero temperatures, we entered the New Year with more snow and then today another 6inches fell. I'm sure British Gas are rubbing their hands with glee as we pump up the heating and spend a small fortune to keep warm.
Our school was the only one open in the district this morning but we closed due to the weather this afternoon so me and Elizabeth have the day off tomorrow and this could extend to the week-end due to bad weather and more snow forecast.
Well I hope you all enjoy the snow we sent down to the south.

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