Thursday 12 August 2010

Summer Holidays

Hello everybody. Well its a typical British summer holiday-sunshine and showers but it hasn't stopped the Robinson's getting out and about. We spent the first week of the holidays involved in the churches summer club 'Rockys Plaice' which isn't a spelling mistake but based in a cafe setting. It was great fun and the girls loved it. We were in Sizzling Sausages group and I played the part of Peter each day meeting a new character from the Bible as well as a character called Deep Fat Fryer who reads out children's jokes and shows their pictures. Denise was also involved in catering to provide thirty children with refreshments during the break. Lots of fun.
Week two and we were off down south again to visit family and friends. It's always lovely to see everybody and catch up on all the news. We also managed to have a day visiting Romsey Water gardens, the Adder pits in the forest and a picnic at Boulder Wood. If we didn't manage to see you this trip down we will certainly try our best to catch up next time we are down.
On our return home we found our cat missing. We eventually tracked him down to a vets in Goole. It turned out 24 hours before we arrived home he'd been hit by a car. Thankfully the driver stopped and rushed him to the RSPCA centre. No bones broken but due to sever bruising around the spine he's unable to use his back legs at the moment. As swelling reduces he should get more feeling back and be up on his feet again. Even in this last week we have seen loads of progress.
This third week we have also been sorting out the girls Wendy house which came with the house at the end of the garden. Me and my friend Tom from work re felted the roof and then Denise and the girls started to paint it-pink on the inside and yellow and white on the outside. We have also put a new floor onto of the existing floor to provide a better surface. It's looking really good and I'll add a picture when its all finished.
well that's the summer so far. We are hoping to go off to Hornsey, Sun-Down children's park and rock pooling before the summer ends and with any luck fit in another BBQ for some of our friends up here- any excuse for food and drink.
Hope you are all enjoying your summer holiday and our love to all.

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